#GirlBoss Blogging Tips Inspiration Lifestyle

Things I’ve Learned In My Seven Years Of Blogging

Wow, as I sit here and type this post I can’t believe the month of July marks seven years that I’ve had this blog. I know I’m a little late on the celebration as this is August but I’ve been in a rut. I finally got my creative juices back flowing and I am ready to take on blogging again.

I started this blog in 2011/2012 with no real direction, with no hopes of anything. I just wanted to share my love for natural hair with the world and help others who were also discovering their natural hair and how amazing it was.

I had no idea where it would lead me to or the amazing opportunities that would come of me creating my own personal space on the internet. In 6 years I’ve worked with some amazing brands such as Olay, OshKosh, Megabus, Culvers, Dove, and DSW just to name a few! I even landed an amazing career in Social Media and Digital Marketing with an amazing beauty brand! If you would have told me that any of this would happen I probably would not have believed you. I’ve also created some amazing friendships with bloggers in this seven years. Many of whom are like family.

It’s been six amazing years of hard work, dedication, and a learning process but I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world. In six years I am still learning but I’ve learned so much that has helped me be successful in the world of blogging.

Be Authentic

Yo, this should be like the #1 most critical part of blogging. Be yourself, sis. Trying to be a different person online and offline is probably tiring. So just be yourself. People genuinely connect with people who are authentic and transparent. Yall know I’m basically an open book. I share with yall the good and the bad and I am not ashamed.

Be Open To Learning New Things

In the world of social media and blogging, there is always something new to learn. Keep up with the latest trends! Be open to change because trust and believe there is always something changing with social media.

Quality over Quantity

Before I used to just put out blog posts so I could have a lot on the web. I slowly learned that quality is better than quantity. So sis, do what is best for you. If one blog post a week is good for you then go for it. Don’t try to keep up with the Jones’. Okurrrttt.

All Money Ain’t Good Money

The opportunities will come. Don’t sacrifice your platform for something that doesn’t fit with your brand. I’ve turned down plenty of opportunities because they didn’t fit. It’s ok, believe me, there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting for you that are just right for you and your blog.

Don’t Compare

This will have you all in your feelings. Sis, don’t compare your chapter 2 to someones chapter 32. It took me nearly 3 years to even garner my first coins for this blog. Your time will come and you will flourish in due time.

Consistency is KEY

I know you’ve heard this like a thousand times but consistency is really key. Whatever your consistent is stick with it.

Success Does Not Happen Overnight

I’m an OG. Yep, I said it. I’ve been in this game for a while and I’ve seen all the changes. Success does not happen overnight. It takes hard work and dedication to achieve success and that is with anything. So don’t think a few posts and cute pictures will get you far. You have to really put in the work.

Don’t Forget Why You Started

It can be easy to get all wrapped up into the world of blogging, that you forget why you even started. Stay true to yourself and remember why you started it all. Have fun, live life and flourish boo!



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  • Elizabeth
    August 2, 2018 at 10:52 am

    Thanks Michelle, this is very good advice. I’m glad you’re back and keep sending positive vibes.

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