Inspiration Lifestyle

The Power Of Positive Thoughts: Changing Your Mindset

I honestly believe that “It’s All Good, Even When It’s Not.”It’s important to see the positive in everything.  Amazing things started happening for me when I stopped complaining, being negative, and blaming others. In my early twenties, I was a very negative Nancy, and I would complain about my life, and why my life was not the way that I envisioned it to be. I learned that I had to refocus my thoughts and understand that I thought my life was going to be a certain way, but it ended up different, and that is ok.

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.’ Napoleon Hill

Here are a few ways you can change your mindset, start living a positive life and begin to see change. It will amaze you what your mind can do!

Switch Your Mindset

Growing up my family didn’t have a ton of money, and that is all that I ever heard my mom talk about. She would say “We don’t have any money,” or “I am broke.” So I constantly thought the same thoughts because I heard them all the time. If you continue to say and think negative thoughts and not manifest positive thoughts, then you will continue to remain in the same place because of your negative thoughts. So I never say the words “I’m Broke.” If my funds are low, I remain positive and try to figure out ways that I can increase my stream of income. Open up your mind to new possibilities, and you will begin to see change!

Don’t Give In To Negative Thoughts

In September I lost my job, and this could have led me to think very negatively. I chose not to give any negative energy and see the positive in the situation. Yes, I lost my job, but it is not the end of the world. I can now focus my positive energy on my business and spend time with my daughter and husband. No longer do I have to be in a stressful environment. I switched my mindset to the positive in the situation, and I have had some incredible opportunities come my way just by thinking of them. I have seen so much growth in myself and also my business by staying positive.

Be Accountable

Now, I take full responsibility and accountability for everything that happens to me. This transformation of thought won’t occur overnight but working at it every day will add up to considerable progress in a short amount of time. People will begin to recognize your glow of positive energy, and you will feel it! Some fantastic opportunities will present themselves, and you will be equipped to take full advantage of them.

Are you willing to change your mindset?

Positive Mind= Positive Life

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  • Kiana | KiaNaturally
    February 21, 2017 at 5:23 am

    I think that keeping a positive mindset can get you through almost anything. When things are difficult I try to remind myself that the moment was not meant for me and that there is a better blessing and opportunity waiting for me.

    • Michelle Thames
      February 22, 2017 at 12:26 am

      Yes, I totally agree! Thank you so much for reading my post!

  • Latoya | Life and a Budget
    February 22, 2017 at 1:30 pm

    I’m resonating so much with this post, Michelle! I mean, I just got fired a week ago today and this is the best I’ve felt in a LONG time. I’ve had time to focus on my writing, business activities, being there for my family in ways that I wasn’t able to before. I just feel great and wonderful. I’m right there with you about mindset. My daughter doesn’t even know that mommy isn’t “working” anymore. I was a work at home mom, so now she sees me on my personal computer, still working and hasnt been none the wiser. I also never say I’m broke. I always say, “we’ll see” and make ever effort to make a way to get or do the things we really want to do instead of claiming that we can’t afford it. I grew up the same way, hearing the same thing and I don’t want to let my kids grow up hearing the same thing. And totally off topic…I just love your hair! 🙂

  • Rachel
    February 24, 2017 at 1:11 pm

    Great advice and something I try to live every day! <3

    • Michelle Thames
      February 26, 2017 at 2:54 pm

      Thank you so much!

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