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Think Positive: These Simple Mindset Tips Could Change Your Life

We all have problems and we all know the struggle can be far too real at times. But, we can all overcome our issues starting with our mindset. When life throws something your way, you have complete control over it. Why? It depends on how you react to it. Positivity can pull you out of the funk. While it may be easier said than done, implementing simple mindset changes that gear towards more positive thoughts can be a life-changing experience. 

Positive Daily Affirmations 

Change your mindset by speaking life. When you wake up in the morning and turn off your alarm, before you start scrolling on social media, hop in the shower, rush to get the kids ready for school, or start your day, take five minutes to say a series of positive affirmations. You can write them down on your phone, sticky notes on your mirror, or even print out a sheet and frame it in your bathroom. Speak positive words about your life, your family, your job. Instead of saying “I am so sick of Karen at work, I do not want to put up with her mess today”, say “I am light in whatever room I walk in, no one’s hate can dim my joy”. Instead of saying, “My face looks so fat, I’m not as pretty as I used to be,” say, “I am a queen, I am beautiful, I am confident.” Need some suggestions? We have you covered with a list of 25 positive affirmations you can say to start your day.

Surround Yourself With Positive People 

Misery loves company. We tend to think like the people we spend most of our time around. Choose to spend time with people who are thinking optimistically. Stray away from those who spend more time complaining, gossiping about people, and beating themselves up. Trade those toxic relationships for those who are happy during the day, excited for new challenges, and have something good to tell you.  

“L” Doesn’t stand for “Loss” It stands for “Learning Experience” 

We take “L’s” or losses in life all the time. Rather than feeding on failure turn it into a learning experience. When you start to see failure as a learning experience, you will not only grow from your mistake, you will be at peace mentally because you know you’ve grown. This leads to less depression and more motivation to achieve your goals.

Stay positive and stay motivated! For more tips on staying positive check out this story.

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