
Fall Into Good Oral Health Routines With Crest

This post is sponsored on behalf of Crest. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I can’t believe that it’s already almost fall! Oh how I love the smell of fall in the air. The changing leaves, pumpkin spice lattes, football and of course Halloween candy!

But, we also want to make sure that we are taking a look at our oral routines and practicing good oral hygiene. Fall can be a time where we consume lots of sugar, so it’s super important to have a good oral hygiene routine.

With Fall comes the change of the leaves, cooler temps and also all the great activities with great snacks like caramel apples, pumpkin desserts, and Halloween candy. During the fall season, it’s super easy to forget your oral health. The fall is a great time to take a look at your oral health and make sure you have everything at home that you need to keep your teeth healthy. An overconsumption of sugar can lead to tooth decay, and we don’t want that. Bacteria will form and become plaque!

That’s why this fall season I am headed to my local Sam’s Club to stock up on toothpaste with Crest! From now until September 16th, Sam’s Club shoppers can receive $2 off ANY Crest toothpaste at Sam’s Club Stores. This is the perfect time to stock up on Crest Toothpaste to keep your smiles in good shape during the Fall.

Here are a few healthy fall habits that will keep your smile in top shape.

An Apple a day keeps the dentist away

I’ve heard this many times. I love apples and so does my daughter. I make it a priority to eat apples on a daily basis. The fall is the perfect time to hit up your local apple orchard and get the best apples! My daughter loves going to the orchard and getting her favorite apples. Apples are a good tooth friendly treat. Enjoy!

Don’t overdo it with the candy

Halloween is right around the corner and those goody bags will be filled with all types of candy. So remember if you do eat candy to make sure you are brushing your teeth after consumption to prevent cavities.

Drink Your Coffee with a Straw

Did you know that using a straw with sugary or strongly colored drinks can help reduce the amount of stains they cause to your teeth? Drinks like pop (soda) or coffee can wreak havoc on the whiteness of your teeth. So it is best to drink these types of drinks with a straw. Drinking through a straw gives the beverage less exposure to your teeth which will result in less dark staining.


What are some good oral practices you are following this fall?


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